
The security of your data is of utmost importance to us.

Learn more about our approach to security.

ISO 27001 certified

ISO 27001 certified

We are ISO 27001 certified. We use leading practise tools to keep your data safe.

Secure organisation

Secure organisation

We conduct regular and thorough security & awareness training and run real time monitoring of security policies for all employees.

Data security

Data security

Your data is hosted in Australia with isolated data storage and compute per client.


All our employees and contractors are required to pass a thorough background check and complete annual security and awareness training.

Our development teams are experienced in working with secure systems. We have mechanisms including system monitoring so we can respond to issues quickly and efficiently.

Best Practises and Risk Management

All new product features undergo rigorous testing in a staging environment prior to release to ensure the security of your account and respective data.

Our team engages in regular third party penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to identify and rectify any potential risks to security in accordance with ISO 27001 best practise.

We follow secure development lifecycle (SDLC) practises.


You control who can access your data and what they can do with it.

Authentication and Credentials uses Azure AD SSO to help organisations manage users.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is enforced.

Privacy has layers of technical and operational controls such as antivirus, penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to protect all user information.

Infrastructure uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) centres for hosting. These are monitored at all times with controls implemented to counteract risk. You can learn more by visiting AWS’s security page.